Online Therapy in 44+ States: AL, AZ, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA, FL, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MO, MI, MN, NE, NJ, NV, NH, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VI, WA, WI, WY, & WV
Creating Affirming
Spaces for All
You may be in the process of self-discovery or seeking a formal diagnosis. You may have attended years of therapy geared towards a neurotypical audience that didn’t quite feel right. Your self-discovered neurodivergent identity may have been discounted by others - which may have been especially impactful if it was a loved one or a medical professional. You may often feel “too much” or “not enough” for the people and spaces in your life. You may be struggling to make and maintain relationships for various reasons, from feeling misunderstood to not having any of your needs met. You may have historically been labeled a “high-achiever” but often find basic tasks difficult.
If you are looking for a neurodivergent-affirming therapist who is ready to join you in your process of crafting a life that works better for you, you have come to the right place!
Our therapists can support you through your unique and individual process of exploring a neurodivergent identity and its far-reaching impacts on various facets of your life. We aim to help you move towards congruence between your needs and values and the spaces you inhabit. We work to navigate various challenges but our work with neurodivergent clients often entails the following themes:
Identify nervous system needs and obtain the skills to better regulate its responses
Gain the tools and confidence for self-advocacy
Find neurodivergent-affirming communities and spaces
Explore and embrace intersectionality
Unlearn harmful views of the neurodivergent community
Reframe your past and grieve the time you spent feeling misunderstood
Meet our Therapists who Specialize in Neurodivergent Therapy
All our therapists at ACIP practice from a neurodivergent-affirming foundation. In addition, two of our therapists, Dr. Daphne Jones and Beth Thomas have developed a clinical specialty in working with neurodivergent folx. They both identify as neurodivergent themselves and know firsthand the damage that can be done by providers that pathologize their differences. However, we know there’s a vast array of ways one can be neurodivergent so your lived experience will always take precedent. We hope to provide you a therapeutic space you may not have previously experienced that provides a non-judgemental and uplifting atmosphere for you to get the support you need.
Decolonized &
Culturally-Affirming Therapy
We are committed to providing our all our clients a decolonized, culturally-responsive atmosphere that fosters healing, growth and well-begin. Anti-oppressive/decolonized therapy means that we will: never pathologize or shame appropriate responses to oppression and trauma. Therapy should always be a space to be open and grieve injustice as it happens to ourselves or our community without judgment. Decolonized therapy is a framework of healing from the dehumanizing effects of colonization, white supremacy, and systemic oppression. We de-center mental health away from the dominant, white narrative, and instead, we center rich familial, cultural, and ancestral wisdom, knowledge, and strengths from our Black, Brown, and Latinx communities.
Our anti-oppressive, culturally-informed approach to understand dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression that have shape our clients' identities and lived experiences. For BIPOC with intersectional marginalized identities, an important part of our work is healing the wounds from racial stress and racial trauma (microaggressions, racism, violence, stereotypes, poverty, and discrimination). Anti-Oppressive, Decolonized, and Affirming therapy is the therapy you have been looking for - the therapy each of us deserves.
Other Psychological Services
Offered at ACIP
In addition to working with the Neurodivergent community, at the Aguirre Center for Inclusive Psychotherapy we also specialize in working with folx who hold other marginalized identities including Black, Latinx/Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and members of the Poly/ENM communities. We offer a variety of psychological services both in-person and online therapy from Atlanta-based therapy practice and across the state Georgia. Our stellar team of therapists and psychologists provide individual therapy and counseling for depression, anxiety, trauma, burnout, imposter syndrome, and more. We also offer couples & relational counseling for all genders and all relationship structures.
We look forward to supporting you on your journey towards healing and wholeness.